RSF Italy is developing on its website, a section that will give the opportunity to all operators who choose to become members of the association, to report in the own costumer area, both in Italy and abroad, archaeological sites, monuments and art works in need of intervention, but also cultural goods which are considered well-maintained and are a good example of enhancement.
This section, which is self-reinforcing over time, will include a technical form in which there will be the possibility to insert attachments and pictures with captions.
All reports will be evaluated and georeferenced by an Internal Committee and Scientific Committee, so that within a few years, it would be possible to have always under the eyes an evaluation framework of the health state of the Heritage. In addition it would be possible for RSF to take advantage from the digital archive used as a documentation database for its intervention proposed.
This section will be constantly evolving in relation to the implementation of the content and updating of data. The objective of the near future will be to make available to institutions and the public, the archived documents also in the form of territories mapping.