In the framework of the “First Persepolis International Virtual Conference: Persepolis: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Achievements of Persepolis World Heritage Site”, Paolo Pastorello, President of Restauratori Senza Frontiere - Italia, spoke on May 17, 2021, on the theme "Iran - Italy Joint Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation", showing the results of the "Persepolis International Monuments Conservation Project", realized thanks to an agreement between RSF and Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization and with the unique sponsorship of Fondation Evergète. During the PIMCP Project, the conservation works of a facade of the Tachara (Palace of Darius) and a door of the Tripylon (Central Palace) were carried out.
Nell’ambito del “First Persepolis International Virtual Conference: Persepolis: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Achievements of Persepolis World Heritage Site”, Paolo Pastorello, Presidente di Restauratori Senza Frontiere – Italia, è intervenuto, il 17 maggio 2021, sul tema “Iran – Italy Joint Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation”, mostrando i risultati del “Persepolis International Monuments Conservation Project“, realizzato, tra il 2018 e il 2019, grazie a un accordo tra RSF e l’Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization e alla sponsorizzazione unica della Fondation Evergète. Durante il Progetto PIMCP è stato realizzato il restauro conservativo di una facciata della Tachara (Palazzo di Dario) e di una porta del Tripylon (Palazzo Centrale).