Cultural Heritage Conservation and Management – new study programme on line

RSF is pleased to inform that the Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien /University of Applied Arts Vienna, in collaboration with the Silpakorn University International College (Bangkok) is proposing a new study programme, Cultural Heritage Conservation and Management“.
An online CONSERVATION DAY will be organized by Prof. Gabriela Krist, Head of the Vienna Institute of Conservation, on Tuesday, 9 November 2021 from 9:00 a.m. (Vienna time) to present the programme – You can register here:
Prof. Gabriela Krist is Member of the Scientific Committee of Restauratori senza Frontiere-Italia.
The Programme content and the admission information can be reached at the following links:
Programme content:,
Information on admission:
If you have any questions, Prof. Krist and/or her colleagues can be contacted at