Muscat ( Sultanate of Oman) Programme (2 phase) for preventive conservation for permanent National Museum display purposes:
Pilot Restoration of 182 bronze items from excavations of the site of Daba and Safah (first half of the Iron Age).Restoration of 16 stucco’s mashrabyiah (17th - 19th cent.).
Restoration of 23 prints (18th - 19th cent.), 2 books ( 19th cent.). and 1 engraving paper globe (1985).
Restoration of carving wooden portals from Ibra and Rustaq (17th - 18th cent.)
Restoration of a Portuguese bronze cannon (1643) from Macao, an American 42 pounds bronze cannon (1850-1860) from Boston (U.S.), and a Germany 6 pounds bronze cannon (1886) from Germany.
Immagini lavoro:

Categoria del bene:
Conservato all'internoMateriali trattati in questo lavoro
Metalli e Oreficerie Materiali Archeologici Intonaci e Stucchi Materiali lapideiCommittenza
- Tipologia di committente: Ente pubblico
- Nome committente: Ministry of Heritage and Culture –National Museum
- Direttore dei Lavori: Jamal al-Moosawi
Rapporto di lavoro
- Tipologia rapporto di lavoro: Ditta/impresa individuale
Ruolo svolto
Link utili
Gli altri lavori
- Muscat ( Sultanate of Oman) Programme (1 phase) for preventive conservation for permanent National Museum display purposes:
- Baku (Azerbaijan)-Shirvanshah Complex (UNESCO Heritage) -Restoration-Conservation of the stone surfaces of Divanhane (15th cent.)
- Sheki (Azerbaijan), Shekikhans Palace (18th cent.) Technical consultancy and supervision for the restoration-conservation of the Complex
- Sinaw (Sultanate of Oman) Removal of iron sword and daggers (late iron age ca. 300BC-300AD) from grave n 85 in the emergency excavation site in the Sinaw complex of graves.