An art historian, specialist in cultural heritage and sponsoring for the arts, Bertrand du Vignaud has been Deputy Director of the Caisse Nationale des Monuments Historiques and Director of the Conseil Supérieur du Mécénat Culturel in France in the 1980’s. Alongside with his carreer as the Chairman of Christie’s Monaco and Vice President of Christie’s France from 1990 to 2003, he held voluntary posts in different non-for-profit organisations in the field of heritage preservation. He has been elected vice-president of WMF France in 1987 ( president in 1997), trustee of WMF in New York in 1995, president of WMF Italia in 2000, Secrétaire général of the Comité français de Sauvegarde de Venise in 2000. From 2003 to 2015, he has been the executive president of WMF Europe. Since 2017, he is the executive counsel of the « Fondation Evergète » in Geneva and, since 2021, the scientific advisor of the « Fonds Dassault Histoire et Patrimoine ». He hold different degrees from the universities of Toulouse and Paris : licence ès Lettres classiques, diplôme of Sciences Politiques, licence and diplôme d’Etudes supérieures in international public law. M. du Vignaud is Ufficiale del « Ordine al Merito della Republica Italiana » in Italy, chevalier de la « Légion d’honneur » and officier des « Arts et Lettres » in France, and was awarded the «Osterreichische Ehrenkreuz für Wissenschaft und Kunst, First class » in Austria and the « Médaille de Vermeil » from the city of Paris. He is also the great nephew of the painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and the owner of his birth house in Albi. Through his writing and lecture, he works to make little-known aspects of this artist’s life better known to the public.