Free donation

Preservation and conservation are indispensable missions and virtues for us. Your support is essential to help us realize our projects and achieve our goals.

Support Restaurateurs Without Borders Italy with a free donation.

RSF Italia is included in the list of recognized Associations in the Single National Third Sector Register, which allows donors to be guaranteed tax credit eligibility (certification upon request). To access the Register of Associations (RUNTS) simply go to the website and use your personal SPID.

Your contribution will be used for the following activities:

Restoring and preserving a monument, work of art, historic center, etc.
Protecting a landscape
– Doing research and experimenting with cutting-edge technologies
– Carrying out training activities
Promoting the activities of RSF Italy

From January 2023, it is possible to donate to collect materials needed by Ukrainian restorers by entering the reason “Liberal donation for the purchase of restoration materials for Save Ukraine Art 22.” These donations are also deductible in your tax return under current regulations.

Thank you for your support!

Dona con:


Coordinate Bancarie
Intestato a: Restauratori Senza Frontiere
Banca Sella
IBAN: IT19Z0326803200052174870870
Importo: Indicare l'importo. Vi ricordiamo che la donazione è libera e a vostra discrezione