She graduated in Chemistry at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1966; from 1968 to 2000 she carried out scientific research at the Institute ICPL (now ICRCPAL) of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Activities. She was director of the ICPL Chemistry Laboratory from 1992 to 2000. From the 12/12/96 she has coordinated the scientific activities of the research laboratories of the Institute, she was professor of courses for restorers and the European Course for Conservators-Restorers Specializing in Libraries Heritage ” in Spoleto.
She was Professor of “Book Conservation” (1987 to 1989) and “Conservation of Archival and Library” (1996 to 2008 ), at the degree course in Conservation of Cultural Heritage, University of Udine, where she was also involved in experimental scientific research. From 2002-03 to today she teaches “Conservation and restoration of paper” at the course ” Chemical Laboratory of Conservation and Processing of materials (IV form)” University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
She has performed and published research on deacidification of library material, on accelerated aging, on effects of chemical disinfection and pest control, on use of synthetic polymers such as adhesives and glues, on effects of pollution on library materials, whitening of yellowed papers on the history of chemical treatments of restoration, conservation and fixing of miniature on parchment.
Chemist, former Director of the Chemistry Laboratory of ICPL (now ICRCPAL), Professor of Conservation and Restoration of paper in the Cultural Heritage Technologies Course, University La Sapienza, Rome