There is a ‘Fortress To Be Saved and in the Town Arrives’ the Parliamentary Secretary Ilaria Borletti, SANSEPOLCRO AFTER A COLLECTION OF 1500 SIGNATURES FOR A SERIOUS PROBLEM

IS ARRIVED in Sansepolcro even few minutes early Ilaria Borletti Buitoni (in the pictured withthe Mayor Frullani) Undersecretary for Cultural Heritage. The reason is the problem of the Fort…
Technologies and Research for Restorers Without Borders – by Renzo Carlucci, Director of Archeomatica

The similarity between the name chosen by the new association Restorers Without Borders (RSF) with the name of the associations who work in the medical field it is willed…
ARCHEO interviews the President of RSF – here they are the restorers without borders! – by Flavia Marimpietri

It is called “Restorers Without Borders,” it works for social utility purpose in the field of preservation of cultural heritage, and it is just born…
From “ARCHEO” The first official meeting for the newly formed Organization

Is officially born “Restorers Without Borders”, a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and restoration of the artistic heritage in Italy and in the world. On the 24th of January 2014, was held in Rome the first plenary meeting of the Scientific Committee and Honorary Members of RSF….
From “Archeomatica” on line – Restorers Without Borders Italy-Onlus is born

Is officially born “Restorers Without Borders”, a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and restoration of the artistic heritage in Italy and in the world…
From “La Repubblica”- Museums and monuments at risk “Restorers without borders” are coming

It has been presented the new association of specialists and restorers of cultural heritage, who will offer a “first aid” to museums, monuments and sites at risk in Italy and in the world. “We will be doctors of cultural heritage.”…
From “Il Giornale dell’Arte” – is born Restorers Without Borders, a voluntary association who wants to defend and preserve the cultural heritage

Rome. It is born Restorers Without Borders Onlus Italy with a large, ambitious project: to operate wherever “the preservation of cultural heritage is endangered” in our and any other country…