Puglia: at Mesagne the abandonment of archaeological heritage is a brand

from Il Fatto Quotidiano
by Manlio Lilli | July 14th, 2014
“Archaeological and cultural heritage is protagonist of a meticulous policy of desertification and abandonment.” With this motivation only a few weeks ago the City of Mesagne, in Brindisi, received the virtual award “Attila” on the part of the “Mesagne Common Good.” An award more than earned, as they say in these circumstances. To certify it the archaeological sites. Their conditions.
Starting from the archaeological site of Muro Tenente, 5 kilometers from Mesagne, in which a test excavation has revealed the existence of the remains of settlements and necropolis from the eighth and sixth century. B.C., as well as remains of the walls of the end of the third century. B. C. Area whose unchallenged abandonment has long been known. To the point that in September 2012 the Archaeological Superintendence of Puglia, in a note to Mayor Frank Scoditti, has intimated a more careful custody, after the acquisition of ‘”disclosure by the Cultural Heritage Carabinieri Department of extensive damage … never reported. ” Pointing out that the City had “ignored repeated requests to this office in regard to the adoption of appropriate measures for the monitoring and maintenance of the area.” Threatening “the covering of all the archaeological remains in light.” Solicitations those of the Superintendent apparently completely disregarded.