A race against time for the Great Pompeii Project

Signed the pact of action to accelerate the work on the site. The mandatory deadline is December 31st, 2015, but three-quarters of the sites are still to be procured
From Il Giornale dell’Arte July 18th, 2014
Pompeii (Naples). The 105 million European funding for the Great Pompeii Project (GPP) has a limit: December 31st, 2015. Exemptions will not be granted. These are the summary statements made by Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Regional Policy, who spoke yesterday morning at Pompeii along with ministers Dario Franceschini and Graziano Delrio, to sign the pact of action necessary to expedite the work of recovery of the archaeological and prevent the closing of the Europeans “tap funds’ . At present, indeed, 1% of the planned work is completed . Another 25% is under completion. It remains to be put in the system, procure and deliver stll 74 % of the planned interventions…
go to the article http://www.ilgiornaledellarte.com/articoli/2014/7/120618.html