Barbara Jatta was born in Rome on October 6, 1962. She graduated in Literature with a thesis in The History of Drawing, Engraving and Graphic in 1986 at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and she specialized in Art History at the same university in 1991. He has undertaken several postgraduate training courses abroad , in England, Portugal and the United States .
From 1981 to 1996 she worked at the National Institute for Graphics , working first as a restorer of graphic material and then cataloging drawings, etchings , woodcuts and lithographs funds of the Institute.
Since the 90’s she worked as a lecturer for various institutions and specialized courses and since 1994 she is responsible of the course of History of Technology and Graphic Arts of the Faculty of Literature at the University Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples.
Since 1996 she is Director of Prints Cabinet at the Vatican Library being also Member of the Exposition Commission , the Admissions Commission, the Purchase Commission and the Catalog Commission.
In 2005 she was co-opted into the Romanists’ Group.
On September 8, 2010, she has been appointed as Curator of Prints at the Vatican Library by the Holy Father Benedict XVI has appointed.
She collaborated and organized several exhibitions and personally participated to several publishing works in the field of the History of Graphic Design and Art.
Main publications :
- “Le vedute romane di Lievin Cruyl” (American Academy in Rome ) Exhibit in Rome (12 – October – December 8, 1988 ) . Scientific curator of the exhibit and its catalog ;
- Curator of the book “Scritti d’arte di Andrea Busiri Vici” , Rome 1990 , Ugo Bozzi Editor.
- “Specchio di Roma barocca” Rome 1990, Elefante Editions , curator of the drawings section.
- La villa Palombara sull’ Esquilino” in ” La Porta Magica. Luoghi e memorie nel giardino di Piazza Vittorio“. Rome 1990.
- Curator of the monograph “Lievin Cruyl e la sua opera grafica. Un artista fiammingo nell’Italia del Seicento”. Brussels – Rome . 1992 , in the series of History of Art of the Belgian Institute in Rome.
- ” Drawings by Francesco Bartolozzi in Lisbon ” in “Master drawings” vol . 32 , 2, 1994.
- ” Francesco Bartolozzi. Incisore delle grazie” Rome 1995. Exhibit at the National Cabinet of Prints in Rome (27 October 1995-15 January 1996) . Scientific curator of the exhibition and catalog.
- ” Francesco Bartolozzi . Desenhos de um Gravador ” , Lisboa 1996. Exhibit at the Museo Nacional de Arte Antiga in Lisbon ( May-September 1996). Scientific curator of the exhibition and catalog.
- Piranesi e l’Aventino. Milan 1998 Exhibit in Santa Maria del Priorato dei Cavalieri di Malta. Rome (September 15 to December 8 , 1998) . Scientific curator of the exhibition and the catalog.
- D’après Angelika in Angelika Kauffmann , cat. National Engraving Exhibit, Academy of St. Luke , Rome. ( September-December 1998), edited by O. Sandner
- Le incisioni di Jacob Philipp e Georg Hackert nella Fondazione Pagliara dell’Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa. Annals of the Institute Suor Orsola Benincasa , Naples 1998.
- Roma-veduta. Disegni e stampe panoramiche della città dal XV al XIX secolo, Rome 2000. Exhibit National Institute for Graphics . Collaboration in catalog and scientific care .
- Care and scientific organization for the realization of Forma Urbis Romae . La pianta monumentale di Roma per il grande Giubileo dell’anno Duemila Vatican City 2000 , published by the Vatican Library, catalog curator.
- Il fondo matrici del Gabinetto delle Stampe della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Interventi di Restauro e conservazione.Miscellaneous Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae IX. Studies and Texts no. 423, pp. 471-537 . Vatican City 2000.
- Incisioni del Settecento in Italia. Exhibit at the College St. Orsola Benincasa , Naples 2002, scientific care of the exhibition and the catalog.
- Un inglese a Roma . Le incisioni di Richard Cooper nella collezione Ashby della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, published in ” Grafica d’Arte ” 2003.
- Rome éternelle . Dessins et gravures panoramiques du XVe au XIX siècle Show Charleroi (October 8 -21 decembre 2003). Collaboration for the catalog.
- Cardinal Jorge Mejía, Christine Grafinger , Barbara Jatta (eds) , “I cardinali bibliotecari di Santa Romana Chiesa: la quadreria nella Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana“ , Vatican City , Vatican Library, 2006.
- Care and scientific organization for the realization of the exhibition and its catalog “Speculum Dianae magnificentiae: incisioni e litografie del Lago di Nemi dal ’500 all’800. Collezione Luigi Bartelli“ edited by Francesco Petrucci and Barbara Jatta . Ariccia 2006.
- Scientific care of the folder “Speculum Dianae magnificentiae: incisioni e litografie del Lago di Nemi dal ’500 all’800. Collezione Luigi Bartelli“ Vatican City, Vatican Library, 2006 ( Studies and documents on the history of the Vatican Apostolic Palace . Plates; 2) .
- Bibliographic advice for the book “Le edizioni illustrate dell’Orlando Furioso: repertorio bibliografico delle edizioni in lingua italiana dal XVI al XIX secolo. Con la suite delle xilografie dell’edizione valgrisiana attribuite a Dosso Dossi” by Stefano Liberati and Anna Maria Voltan , Manduria , Barbieri Selvaggi , 2007.
- Scientific care of the “Civitas vaticana: la nuova pianta della Città del Vaticano” Vatican City , Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2007. Limited etching edition copies with artwork .
- Care and scientific organization for the realization of the exhibition and the “1929 – 2009: Ottanta anni dello Stato della Città del Vaticano“ Vatican City, Vatican Library, 2009.
- Daniela Di Castro , Filippo Passarini: mobiliere, decoratore, incisore; con le Nuove inventioni della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana edited by Barbara Jatta , Vatican City , Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2009.
- Scientific care and organizational, in collaboration with the National Institute for Graphics XXII International Advisory of Keepers of Graphic Collections, Rome and the Vatican City (7-10 June 2010) .
- Care and scientific organization for the realization of the exhibition and the go “Conoscere la Biblioteca Vaticana. Una storia aperta al futuro“, Vatican City , Vatican Library, 2010.
- Care and scientific organization for the realization of the exhibition and the catalog , “Giovanni paolo II, Un omaggio di Benedetto XVI in occasione della beatificazione“ the Vatican City, the Braccio di Carlo Magno , 2011.
- P.A.De Rosa, B. Jatta, La Via Appia nei disegni di Carlo Labruzzi alla Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Documenti e Riproduzioni 13, Vatican City 2013.