Director of the Institute of Heritage Science of the National Research Council (, received her MSc (1995) and PhD (1999) in Chemical Sciences from the Università Degli Studi di Perugia, and her Executive Master of Business Administration (2019) in Management of Research Infrastructures from the Università Degli Studi Milano-Bicocca. She is the author of over 140 articles concerning the physical chemistry of materials of relevance to cultural heritage (H‐index=43 and 5190 citations, from Google Scholar), co-editor the RSC book “Art and Science: the painted surface” and editor of the open access journal “Heritage”. She was Principal Investigator of regional, national and European projects in Heritage Science. Costanza Miliani is currently coordinator-elected of the European mobile platform MOLAB which is providing access to non-invasive mobile diagnostic laboratories for research scientists in Heritage Science and national coordinator of the E-RIHS (European Research Infrastructure in Heritage Science) national node. She is a member of the executive board of the Center of Excellent SMAArt (Scientific Methodologies applied to Archaeology and Art) of Università di Perugia, the scientific board of the Center for Scientific Studies in the Arts of Northwestern University in Chicago, and elected member of the scientific board of JPI-CH.