Professor of Egyptology at the University ” Kore ” of Enna and Director of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Luxor in the funerary complex of Harwa ( TT 37) and Akhimenru ( TT 404). He accomplished several archaeological excavations in Italy , Sudan and Egypt , where he still works since 1988. In 2013 it was Scholar at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles. He has been a member of the managing board of CIPEG ( ICOM Committee for Egyptology ) in 2010-2013 . He worked thirteen years as a consultant at the Egyptian Collection of the Civic Archaeological Collections in Milan and was a professor of Egyptology in Naples and Foggia. In 2004-2005 he obtained the Chair of Excellence in Art History “Dorothy K. Hohenberg” at the University of Memphis (Tennessee). In 2008-2009 he taught Archaeology and History of Pharaonic Egypt for the Master ‘s Degree in Egyptology sponsored by the University of Turin. He was a member of the Committee for the Study of a pre-feasibility plan of the New Museum of Giza (1995) and for the renovation project of the Egyptian Museum in Turin (2003) . He collaborated and organized many exhibitions in the field of Egyptology in Italy and abroad (Egypt, Spain , Slovenia, Switzerland and Hungary). He is editor of the book Treasures of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (1998) and author of Egyptian Mural painting (2008) together with scientific publications in the field of Egyptology and archaeology of Sudan . He writes regularly for The Art Journal and frequently collaborates with the magazine Archeologia Viva. From 16 to 22 October 2011 he was a blogger for Il Sole 24Ore.