Architect and City Planner (Helsinki), DPhil (York, UK), Prof. (Nova Gorica)
He graduated in Architecture and town planning from the Polytechnic of Helsinki (1966). He attended the ICCROM International Course in the Restoration of Monuments and Sites (1971), as well as short courses on landscape conservation in Segovia (1971) and the British Council Course on the conservation of historic structures at IoAAS, Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, York (1972).
He obtained the degree of Doctor in Philosophy, DPhil, at the University of York (1986).
Teaching: Teaching of history and theory of conservation, and the management of the built heritage at the international courses of ICCROM, and at numerous universities. At present: Extraordinary Professor at the University of Nova Gorica (jointly with IUAV, Venice).
Architectural Practice: Architectural practice in Finland (1960-1970): design of office buildings (K & H. Sirén, Helsinki), urban planning (O. Kivinen, Espoo), residences, offices, schools, industry (E & J. Jokilehto, Mikkeli). Planning consultant to the Municipality of Mikkeli, 1970-1971.
ICCROM: 1972, coordinator of course in architectural conservation. 1973 responsible for ICCROM programme in Architectural and Urban Conservation, missions to a large number of countries. Representation of ICCROM at UNESCO World Heritage Committee, and at ICOMOS. Representative of ICCROM in process leading to the Second Protocol of Hague Conventioin. Assistant Director General of ICCROM, 1992-1998. From 2006 Special Advisor to Director-General.
ICOMOS: Member of the Finnish National Committee of ICOMOS (1980, currently honorary member), and of the Italian National Committee. President (1992-2001) ICOMOS International Training Committee, CIF, Member of ICOMOS International Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration. World Heritage Advisor to ICOMOS, 2000-2006, evaluation and presentation of nominations to World Heritage Committee.
Publications include: A History of Architectural Conservation (Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999); jointly with Sir Bernard Feilden: Management Guidelines for World Cultural Heritage Sites (ICCROM, 1993). ICOMOS Studies: The World Heritage List, Filling the Gaps – An Action Plan for the Future (jointly with M. Petzet, H. Cleere, S. Denyer, Monuments and Sites, XII, 2005); The World Heritage List: What is OUV? (Monuments and Sites, XVI, 2008).
Current Activities: Special Advisor to the Director General of ICCROM; Professor at University of Nova Gorica; Invited professor and lecturer related to the conservation of cultural heritage, and particularly World Heritage; Consultant to the preparation of World Heritage nominations (e.g. Italy, China, Ireland, Norway); Conservation practice: management plans and urban conservation master plans.