Full Professor of Applied Petrography and Mineral Earth Resources at the University IUAV in Venice.
Degree in Geological Sciences at the University of Padua with a thesis in mineralogy. Postgraduate degree of the Course in Restoration and Conservation of Artistic Heritage held by the University of Padua.
Fellow (elected ) of the International Institute for Conservation, London , member ( elect) of the Permanent Committee for the organization of International Congresses on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone ; Former president of ASMOSIA ( Association for the Study of Marbles and Other Stones in Antiquity ) , and advisor to various groups ( Soc Ital of Mineralogy and Petrology, Ass. Ital for the Study and Conservation of Mosaics , etc.). , AIAr ( Ass.Italiana Archaeometry ) . Corresponding Member of the Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts ( since 2002).
From 1979 to 1987 “Expert Geologist ” at the Scientific Laboratory of the Superintendence of Artistic and Historical Heritage of Venice (Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage). From 1987 to 2000 Associate Professor of Applied Petrography at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and the ‘ University College of Architecture in Venice. From the end of 2000 to present professor of Applied Petrography at the IUAV , where he created (1993) and directs the LAMA (Laboratory of Ancients Material Analysis). From the academic year 1994 / 95 to 2000 substitute professor of Archaeometry and Geo-archaeology and from 2000 til today , of Analysis Laboratory Materials Ancients at the University of Venice Ca ‘Foscari. He has often participated as an expert or consultant (eg . UNESCO, the World Bank, ICCROM ) in relevant international projects regarding restoration of the major world heritage monuments such as the Parthenon (Greece) , the temples of Sukothai ( Thailand) , Baalbeck (Lebanon) , Polonnaruwa and Kandy (Ceylon), the Mosque of Omar and al- Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem) , the monumental stairway of Copan (Honduras) , etc,
In the fields of Applied Petrography (especially construction materials ), Archaeometry (marble and ceramics used in the past) , and Geo-archaeology and scientific issues related to conservation and restoration of paintings ( murals and easel ) and stones, Among his most relevant studies and researches are: a large survey on materials ( preparations , pigments, etc. . ) and painting technique of the Venetian masters , especially in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth centuries , with particular reference to Titian and Tintoretto ; an in-depth archaeometric study of the proto- Syrian pottery from Ebla and Tell Afis and various classes of Greek pottery ( pinakes Locrian , or otherwise) , Roman, Medieval pottery (Byzantine and Venetian), the application of petrographic and geochemical methods to realize referential databases to identify the origin of artifacts in crystalline marbles. In recent years he has dedicated himself to a systematic petrographic and chemical-physical characterization of polychrome stone materials used in the Mediterranean area in Classical antiquity , often reused later , discovering the caves of many important rock types whose origin was unknown until now, and determining the distribution area.
He is author of over 350 printed publications on national and international journals , conference proceedings, exhibition catalogs, etc. two volumes on the restoration of stone, and he is editor of three volumes on Petro-archaeometry .
Some headlines :
Lazzarini, Il colore nei pittori Veneziani tra il 1480 e il 1580. In “Studi Veneziani”, supplement n. 5 of “Bollettini d’Arte”, 1983, pp. 135 -144, 7 tavv. f. t..
C. Aurisicchio, L. Lazzarini, M. Mariottini, Composizione, tecnologia di fabbricazione e provenienza della ceramica a vetrina pesante. In O. Mazzucato “Tipologie e tecniche della ceramica a vetrina pesante, IX-X secolo”. “Monografie Scientifiche” series, C.N.R., Roma, pp. 161-220.
L.Lazzarini, The origin and characterization of breccia nuvolata, marmor Sagarium, and marmor Triponticum. In “ASMOSIA 5”, J.J.Herrmann, N.Herz, R.Newton eds., London 2002, pp. 58-67.
C.Gorgoni, L.Lazzarini, P.Pallante, B.Turi, An updated and detailed mineropetrographic and C-O stable isotopic reference database for the main Mediterranean marbles used in antiquity. Ibidem pp.115-131.
Lazzarini (ed.), Pietre e Marmi antichi, CEDAM, Padova, 2004, volume di pp. 194.
L. Lazzarini, M. Laurenzi Tabasso, Il restauro della pietra, CEDAM, Padova 1986, book of 320 pp. L.Lazzarini (ed.), Interdisciplinary studies on ancient stones, ASMOSIA VI, Padova 2002, 548 pp.
L.Lazzarini, Poikiloi lithoi, versiculores maculae. I marmi colorati della Grecia antica, Fabrizio Serra Editore, Pisa-Roma 2007, 280 pp.