Marina Maugeri is a Cultural Heritage Restorer since 1987 with expertise in the field of conservation of paintings on wall supports, on canvas and on board, and since 1988 in the sector of frescoes conservation. As part of her professional activities she manages and performs restorations of bound paintings, she also has specialized in conservation of stone material, stucco and mosaic artifacts. She also has gained experience in operations on decorated architecture surfaces.
From 1989 to 2005 she works as President and Technical Director of the “Consortium Technical Preservation and Restoration” in various regions of Italy, especially in Lazio and Umbria.
She currently works as a regular business owner and technical director of the Company with assignments on protected cultural heritage with historic and artistic interest on behalf of public bodies, ministries, ecclesiastical institutions.
She has taken in charge and directed conservation activities in various areas of expertise:
In archeology field, she has restored a section of the Aurelian Walls near Piazza Sisto V (2013) and fragments of paintings dating from the Roman period and coming from Villa of Trajan in Arcinazzo Romano (2002).
In the field of decorated architecture surfaces, she has restored the prospects of St. John Baptist’s Church of “de ‘Genovesi” in Rome (2009), of St. John Calibita’s Church on Isola Tiberina in Rome (2004), of the ex St. Francesco in Norcia’s Church with the rose window from the fourteenth century (1999).
In the stone field, she has restored the marble sculptural group of the “Tomb of Melialuce Cicala” (d. 1481) in Rome, by the sculptor Andrea Bregno (2009) and reassembled the mosaic floor (XVI) of the “Fountain of the Organ” in Villa D’Este in Tivoli (2002).
In the field of wall paintings and stucco, she has restored the frescoes in the apse (XIV) and in the nave (XII) of the Church of S. Maria in Pietrarossa Trevi (PG) (2005), the frescoes by G. Baglione (XVI) at the Palazzo Altieri in Oriolo Romano (VT) (2001), the murals (XVI) in the Conservatives Palace from the Capitoline Museums in Rome (2000), the frescoes of the Umbrian school (1330) by Francesco Melanzio (1513) from the apse of St. Mary in Turita’s Church of Montefalco (PG), the Pierantonio Mezzastris frescoes (1472-74) in the Church of Our Lady Fiamenga in Foligno (1989).
In the field of wooden furniture, she has restored the wooden furniture from the collection of the Museum “Canonica ” at Fortezzuola in Villa Borghese, Rome (2000) and several paintings.
As a member of the Executive Committee of the ARI “Restorers Association of Italy” she has edited newspaper articles and publications on the topics of conservation, recognition of the profession and protection of historical and artistic heritage. She recently co-wrote the “National Collective Contract Employees Work for the restoration specialist.” In 2009 she also took part in the organization of volunteer missions promoted by ‘”ARI – Civil Protection of Cultural Heritage CB 90 AL1 “on the occasion of the earthquake in Abruzzo. She also gained experience of associations in other sectors, participating to international volunteer missions in international cooperation.