Biologist, Director of Scientific and Restoration Laboratories
Special Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage and the Museums Centre of the City of Venice and the lagoon’s municipalities.
Degree in Biological Sciences . Since 1980 she has carried out her activities at the Scientific Laboratory of the Superintendence of Artistic and Historical Heritage of Venice, now Special Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage and the Museum Centre of the City of Venice and lagoon’s municipalities .
Main research topics developed : the role played by microorganisms in the degradation of inorganic and organic materials , in particular studies on lichens’ deteriogenic activities on different stone materials and lithoid , methodologies for evaluating the efficacy and interference, on stone materials, of biocidal products to be used for the prevention and control of biodeterioration . She is member of several working groups of standardization committees of UNI Cultural Heritage and CEN TC/346 Conservation of Cultural Property. Professor of Biology applied to restoration in regional training courses , both national and international .
Author of over 80 scientific publications on biodeterioration and related control methods published in national and international journals or conference proceedings . Co-author of two books on the biology applied to restoration (one in English) , one on lichens and preservation of monuments and one on biocides in the restoration of stone materials. Co- editor of the book La biologia vegetale per i beni culturali. Biodeterioramento e conservazione, , also translated in English.