RSF is addressed to all those who aspire to protect the culture and enjoy its most tangible manifestations, Restorers Without Borders will arise as a means of expression and participation.
Three good reasons to join the association are:
– RSF wants to contribute to export abroad Italian Restoration, taking part in international projects dealing with the preservation and protection of historical and artistic heritage that is in danger, partly because of wars or natural disasters.
– RSF wants to give value to the Italian Restoration because in Italy we are gradually losing the guidelines dictated by Cesare Brandi, who has made the Italian Restoration a supremacy in the world.
– RSF has as objective to influence policy on Cultural Heritage in Italy.
The Association intends to operate in the following ways:
1. Proposing and supporting its projects both in Italy and abroad mainly by drawing resources from European funds, from international cultural institutions, bank foundations and activities crawdfunding.
2. During the execution of projects RSF intends to avail itself of expertise present in the area of operations. The professionals would participate with regular pay back. Voluntary activities are provided only in case of prompt intervention on historical and artistic heritage that is in a state of emergency, which is in danger because of natural disasters or armed conflicts.
3. Technicians and operators involved in the projects will be selected, depending on the skills and availability, from the database dedicated to the census that the Association since March 26 has made available to its members.
4. Organizing actions of intervention in emergency conditions, both in Italy and abroad, training teams of professionals and volunteers at the emergency intervention on Cultural Heritage, which is necessary after natural disasters and armed conflicts.
These objectives will be reached only if the association will continue to find motivation and support in its interior, through the activities of the members and the Scientific Committee. RSF would be able to continue on this path only through the external support of the citizens, professionals, associations network and all those public and private institutions who will decide to bring their contribution.
Alessandra Morelli
Vice President of RSF Italia