In 1984, Alessandra was awarded an equivalent diploma in Restoration of Cultural Heritage at the ISCR High Institute for Conservation and Restoration of Rome in the field of Archaeological Materials and Ancient Furnishing, having acquired skills for the restoration of metals, ceramics, plasters, stucco, glasses, jewellery, and organic materials. In 1985, she attended the 4th year of specialization in the restoration of stone materials.
In 1982, together with other colleagues from ISCR, she founded Consorzio Re.Co. Restauratori Consorziati, where she held the office of President from 1994 until 2007.
Since 1982, she has been working constantly in the restoration of Cultural Heritage, conducting works on monuments and artworks, both in Italy and abroad. Here are a few works that worth mentioning: the Byzantine Bronze Gate of the Amalfi Cathedral 12th century, the Bronzea Gate of Barisano da Trani of the Cathedral of Ravello 12th century, the Bronzea of the Basilica of San Marco in Venice, the great Roman sculptures of the Dioscuri and of the Cordonata Michelangiolesca of the Campidoglio in Rome. In 1997, she carried out, on behalf of ISCR of Rome, the restoration of the original Greek marble sculpture, called Persephone or Dea di Taranto 5th century B.C. exhibited in the Pergamon Museum of Berlin. From 1984 to 1998, she was very active in Rome, working on the interior of the Capitoline Museums, where she restored over 100 Roman marble sculptures, now exhibited in the archaeological collections of the Municipality of Rome. Intense activities were also conducted in the lab, where she worked on micro-excavation and restoration of archaeological finds from several national archaeological museums, including the princely tomb of Sirolo (AN) 8th Century B.C.
In 2000, she joined the company Araldo De Luca Sas where she initiated her first study, specialization and work activities, in the conservation of historical photographic material.
In October 2005, together with Araldo De Luca, he founded the company ImagoArte Srl, which deals with the conservation, digitalization and archiving of historical photographic funds belonging to public and private bodies, including: the Historical Photographic belonging to the Giuseppe Primoli Foundation of Rome and Historical Archive of the Excavations of Ostia Antica, on behalf of the Archaeological Superintendence of Rome, activities still in progress.
Since 2010, the company ImagoArte Srl under the sole administration of Alessandra Morelli, gains the exclusive right over the restoration and digitalization of archival and photographic assets and expands its activity also in the restoration and conservation of Cultural Heritage in general. Currently, the company ImagoArte srl, among other activities, is working, on behalf of the University of Florence, on the restoration of ancient volumes belonging to the ”Rare and valuable historical collections of the university library system of the University of Florence”.
Since 2001, Alessandra Morelli started an intense collaboration as a restorer of reference, with the Jewish Museum of Rome, directed by the Art Historian Daniela Di Castro, where she dedicated herself to the restoration and improvement of the prestigious and exclusive collection of liturgical silverware, to the collection of Ketubot in parchment, to the collection of the Gallery of Ancient Marbles, to the collection of silver Bindings dating back to the 16th and 17th Centuries.
In 2005, she assumed the position of President and Technical Director of the Consortium of Italian Conservation Societies based in Turin, where she managed the Technical-Methodological Department, also engaging in fundraising to finance improvement and restoration of numerous monuments in the city, including the interior and exterior of the Basilica of Corpus Domini, 15th century, which will be followed by the restoration of interior fresco decorative elements, and the structural rehabilitation of the Plebana Church of San Maurizio Canavese (To)from the 15th Century. 2007 saw the inauguration of the restoration of the bronze Equestrian Monument, located in Piazza San Carlo in Turin, dedicated to Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, from the 19th century.
On September 19, 2013, she founded together with 10 other colleagues and professionals in the sector, the Association Restauratori Senza Frontiere -Italy, where she has held the role of Vice President ever since. The Association’s aim is the organization and management of national and international initiatives aimed at the protection, conservation, and promotion of culture and art, and the development of Italian restoration worldwide.
As of 2012, she commenced, via ImagoArte Srl, the activities in restoration sites inside and outside historic buildings under protection, located in the historic center of the city of L’Aquila, including Palace Carli Benedetti and Palace Dragonetti, carrying out work on stone materials, metals, plasters, stucco, and wall paintings. These activities are still in progress.
In 2017, together with the members of the Executive Committee of RSF Italy, she founded the Civil Protection Association RSF Protezione Civile Emergenza Beni Culturali, which, in February 2018, obtained the registration in the list of Civil Protection Associations of the Territory of Lazio.