He lives in Rome where he began working in the field of photography of Art and Architecture . He participates to various photo competitions , winning several awards including the award ILFORD “Spaces and images of Roman Baroque ” in 1980. Since that time he developed his interest in photography of Art and refines its own visual – narrative language through the clever use of lighting and a of the art photographic equipment .
The first photographic services are commissioned by leading public and private organizations, such as the Quirinal Palace, the Vatican Museums, the Accademia dei Lincei , the Academy of France -Villa Medici, the French Embassy , etc. , for the production of art publications . The career continued with the implementation of major photographic campaigns in various parts of the world, on behalf of publishers, public and private agencies , such as the prestigious Foundation Packhard. From May to August 1997, he was engaged in the campaign to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo , Egyptian Treasures followed by the volume published by White Star in different languages. In 2000, he has photographed the main tombs of the Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens and Nobles of Luxor, with the publication of volume La Valle dei Re by White Star with a worldwide diffusion. In 2002 , is committed in Aswan and Abu Simbel, publishing with White Star the volume Abu Simbel and the temples of Nubia, spread all over the world. In the same year, at Xian, in China he has documented the Terracotta Army and the treasures of the related museums , publishing with White Star the volume Army of Terracotta, with a worldwide diffusion . In 2005 , he has dedicated himself to the treasures of the Monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai , and he has published all over the world the volume Treasures of the Monastery of St. Catherine with White Star .
The incessant work allows him to create a collection of about 80,000 images of art works, which, since 1995 has became a DIGITAL PHOTO ARCHIVE . It is characterized by a system for managing images / data that allows viewing, fast search of images, searching by structured data and logical categories , it also allows you to capture, store, archive and catalog images related to the historical and artistic heritage photographed . The experience gained in the field of archiving and media management allows him to “export” this program of systematization .
In 2002 , Araldo De Luca sas is entering into a partnership with the restorer Alessandra Morelli , in which , among other activities , he began to work in the conservation and enhancement of photographic material. beginning in 2004, the project and digital restoration of 12,000 slabs and 6,000 prints of the Photographic Archives of the Foundation Primoli . The project was later expanded with the creation of a system of data collection and on-line management of the images as well as a digital archive , visible to page www.archivioprimoli.it .
In November 2005, the promoter together with Alessandra Morelli of ImagoArte Srl , which performs the office of President. The company was founded with the desire to work in the field of restoration of photographic images and represents a culmination in which they are conveyed skill and passion for the work of art and photography. In 2006 , gives in fact the beginning of the restoration project of analog and digital archiving of 3050 glass plate negatives to the ” gelatin silver salts ,” which are part of the newly -found collection of photographs belonging to EUR SpA , a former U.S. entity , which documents the construction of the Eur district of Rome (1937).
The expertise gained in this area earned him the appointment in 2006 as a consultant and project leader in the creation of the Cabinet photo of the Center for Conservation and Restoration of Venaria Reale in Turin .
In 2006 , he joined the Board of Directors of the Consortium Italian Society of Conservation , where he was a photographer and by actively developing the publishing industry .
Since 2008 he worked on the restoration of analog and digital storage of 10,000 glass plate negatives to the ” jelly silver salts ” that are part of the Photographic Archives of Ostia Antica. In the same year , running the photographic campaign for the realization of the volume Cats & Dogs , published by White Star Publisher , and one at the Monastery of St. Catherine in the Sinai time to document the restoration of the apse mosaic .
Since 1994 he also has its own publishing activities . Entirely devoted to the culture of art , this activity is the continuous pursuit of quality through both the selection of subjects and topics with their insights, both the study of editorial projects and increasingly demanding refunds in print.