Since January 2011 she has been Director of the Intervention Unit for Underwater Archaeology ( NIAS ) Institute for Conservation and Restoration ( ICR ) – Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism. Since 2010 she has been Professor of Underwater Archaeology at the University of Roma Tre .
During her career, which began in 1987 , she directed underwater archaeological missions in Yemen , Oman and participated in underwater archaeological sites in France, Libya and several Italian cities . From 1992 to 1996 she worked at the Technical Service for Underwater Archaeology ( Ministry of Cultural Heritage) . Since 1997, as an archaeologist of the NIAS ICR , she has participated in the training of restorers divers and in experimentation for the preservation and restoration of ancient artefacts coming from underwater .
Since 2001, she has carried out her research activities for restoration projects of the underwater cultural heritage in situ as part of the project called ” Underwater Restoration ” ( Baia Underwater Park , wreck of the sarcophagi of San Pietro in Bevagna, wreck of the guns of Cala Spalmatore – Marettimo Island , Bolsena lake) .
Since July 2011 she has been scientist chief on behalf of the ISCR for the project PON ” CoMAS ” programmed conservation in situ of Submerged Archaeological Artifacts ” leader body -University of Calabria , Faculty of Earth Sciences ( http://www.comasproject.eu ) and scientific director on behalf of the ICR for the European project SASMAP Development of Tools and Techniques to Survey, Assess , Stabilise , Monitor and Underwater Preserve Archaeological Sites , leader body National Museum of Denmark ( http://sasmap.eu/ ) .
From 2010 to 2013 she was designer and member of the management work for the restoration of the painted walls of Mithraeum’s House in ancient Ostia .
Since 2011 she has been scientist chief and director of the restoration of the Roman Villa of Silin (Leptis Magna , Libya) in range of the International Convention between ICR , the Department of Archaeology of Libya ( DoA ) and the University of Roma Tre.
Since 2011 she has been manager of training project for technicians and restorers of the Lybian Department of Archaeology managed by ICR during restoration sites at the Villa of Silin and courses concerning Conservation of movable property ( onsite / in museum / storage collection) in Libya realized by ICR together with UNESCO .
She is author of several scientific articles and has published the book ” Underwater Archaeology . Theory and practice ” , Rome -Pisa 2007, Fabrizio Serra Editore, together with Roberto Petriaggi.
Dr. Barbara Davidde
Email: barbara.davidde@beniculturali.it