CARLA TOMASI is responsible of the work achieve by the Company “CARLA TOMASI Srl”, specialized in the conservation of stone, decorated architecture surfaces, paintings, tempera on wall, oil on wall, stucco and gilded surfaces, mosaics, painted wooden artefacts, paintings on canvas and on wood, wooden artefacts, archaeological sites.
Graduated at I.C.R. (Central Institute for Restoration) in Rome with a specialization in Conservation of stone materials, she is President of the “Association Restorers of Italy” (ARI), President of FINCO Federation of Industries Products, Service and Specialist Equipment for Construction.
She has participated as a teacher and counselent to training courses, conferences and symposiums.
She has published numerous articles, books, proceedings of national and international conferences, documentaries, presentations about conservation and the restorer profession.
Among the most important:
- “The conservative problem of the apse of S. Maria Antiqua” – Hertziana Library – (Rome, 1981).
- “Constantine: Chronicle of a restoration” documentary shot in 35 mm. winner of the Quality Award of the Ministry of Tourism and Performing Art in 1989 and the Spanish Architects and Restorers Festival in 1992 in Barcelona.
- “Price list” for the work of “CONSERVATION OF ARTISTIC HERITAGE” Published by DEI, 1995.
- “The stone facade of San Geremia’s Church in Venice: Consolidation techniques of Architectural and decorative apparatus damaged by fire” in “The strengthening of the architectural and decorative apparatus – Knowledge, Guidelines, Experiences” Proceedings of the Conference for the Bressanone Study July 10- 13 2007 – Science and Cultural Heritage – Arcadia Searches Editions.
- “Restoration of G. Pesce excavations in the archaeological site of Nora (Pula-CA). The mosaic of the Frigidarium of the Central Baths ” in ” Restoring the restoration. Methods, compatibility of the construction yards “Proceedings of the Conference for the Brixen Study 2008 – Science and Cultural Heritage – Arcadia Searches Editions.
- “Conservation and aesthetic presentation of the Palatine Chapel in Palermo: preliminary investigation and processing methods of intervention for the restoration of ceilings at Muquarnas and for the reinstatement of the shortcomings of the mosaics” Paolo Pastorello – Carla Tomasi Opus magnum trilingue DIE PALATINE CHAPEL IN PALERMO – Forschungsergebnisse der Restaurierung – Hg. Im Auftrag der Stiftung WURTH – Swiridoff 2011.
- “Professional Fees for the Design and Work Supervision of Cultural Heritage Restorer” Published by DEI, 2009.
- “Criteria and procedures for the safety of Heritage furniture and decorated architecture surfaces ” in Misaq – Messa in Sicurezza all’Aquila – with the patronage of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Culture Heritage and Tourism, Abruzzo Region, Province, Municipality of L’Aquila.
Among the most important projects:
- Preliminary work on the design, essays campaign , mapping and relief – S. Maria in Gradi (VT) for the Architectural Heritage and Landscape Office of Lazio.
- Recognition, Restoration and Preservation of the archaeological site of the Monastery of Sant’Abba Nefer the Hermit in Manqabad (Asyut) EGYPT
- Interventions for the investigation, design and conservation of the wall paintings of the Church of the Blessed Antonia – L’Aquila for the Monastery of the Blessed Antonia (AQ)
As President of A. R.I. recently signed the National Collective Contract Employees Work in the field of specialistic conservation and regularly works at the the preparation of specialistic articles with the magazine KERMES, Nardini Editore.