Director of the Technical Office of the Palatine Hill – Roman Forum from June 2009. After graduating in Architecture (Sapienza University of Rome), and two years of professional experience in private practice , in 1979 he took service as an architect at the Superintendence of Monuments of Siena. In 1982, he moved to the Archaeological Superintendence of Rome where he has been responsible for some of the most important monuments of the Roman Forum on the Palatine Hill , including S. Maria Antiqua , the Saturn Temple, the Farnese Gardens , the Basilica of Maxentius , the Domus Tiberiana . In 2008 he was appointed Technical Director of the Termal Baths of Caracalla until 2011. Meanwhile he has made scientific research related to his professional activity , being involved on restoration theory , ancient building techniques , history of the gardens, urban history and archaeological parks , ruins in aesthetics and art , taking part in scientific conferences in Italy and abroad. He has taught courses at various Italian universities ( Sapienza, University of Tuscia ) and outside Italy ( Technische Universität Berlin , Ball State University , Muncie, Indiana , Notre Dame University , South Bend , and Florida International University, Miami , Florida) as well as training courses on behalf of institutions and ministries. Since 2001 he has collaborated with ICE and the ICR for the promotion of Italian expertise in the field of restoration , participating in meetings and exhibitions in Peru, Croatia , Slovenia, Mexico , Cuba. Since 2003 he has been part of Italian missions programs abroad, taking part in activities in sites such as Ghazni (Afghanistan) , and Baltistan, Swat (Pakistan ), Beijing (China) , Erbil ( Iraqi Kurdistan ) , Mersa Gawasis ( Red Sea (Egypt) , Persepolis and Pasargadae (Iran) . He recently completed the restoration of the paintings of the Casina Farnese and Santa Maria Antiqua in cooperation with the World Monuments Fund . From 2011 to 2012 he directed the Technical Secretariat of the General Directorate of the Ministry of Architecture . After having directed the DPC of the Archaeological Superintendence of Rome, today he holds the position of Director of the Technical Office of the Palatine Hill – Roman Forum, for the same institution he is overseeing the restoration work going on at the Domus Tiberiana, the Birdcage Farnesiane , the Basilica of Maxentius as well as the restoration of the paintings of Tablino of the House of Livia. He also checks the state of conservation of the main stone monuments of the Forum. Currently , on behalf of the General Secretariat of the MIBACT , he is responsible for the restoration of the crusade bridge Gesher on the Jordan river, on the borderline between Israel and Jordan.