1972 Degree in Law at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome
1973 Degree in Science and Techniques of Public Opinion, the University “Pro Deo”, today LUISS, Rome
Experience and skills
Expert in policies for heritage and cultural activities. As Secretary General of the Association Mecenate 90 has carried out consulting activities in the legal and administrative process for some of the most important Italian cities (Rome, Turin, Florence, Venice, Milan etc.). Expert in enhancement policy of cultural heritage, has worked in the analysis, application and development of programming tools for the Ministry of Heritage and Culture, cities, provinces and regions and has coordinated projects in the fields of culture and tourism within Europe.
He has gained twenty years of experience on the development and testing of innovative models for the management of the cultural heritage of many Italian regions. He Coordinated the project for the reopening of the Palexpo in Rome and the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa and other important monuments in several Italian cities. In collaboration with the Fondazione Rosselli he promoted Manifesto “Italy, Country of Culture and Beauty“, signed by hundreds of men and women of culture, entrepreneurs, artists, freelancers. Among other things, he created and managed: the Project Magnifico for the promotion of excellence of Italian art in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Alitalia, Alpitour, Big Chains, Railways and others; The project Discovering Your Country, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry for Cultural Heritage, for the development of school tourism; Project Trophy Italian Language, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for the knowledge and diffusion of the Italian language; Project Trophy Young Italian Music in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Radio Italy, the Project Your city in the foreground in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the New York Film Academy; Eco_Luoghi Project, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for the promotion of contemporary architecture in relation with Italian landscapes. Has promoted and coordinated the Competition Ideas Pro-move the future. Coordinates the project Club of creative young Italians in the world, in collaboration with the Presidency of the Council, Department for youth policies.
He is expert in legal aspects / administrative issues related to the spatial planning, the sustainable development models for the enhancement of cultural systems and tourism, the management of museums and cultural institutions. He coordinated and directed numerous studies and research for the public administration.
As General Secretary of the Association of Cities of Art and Culture (CIDAC) promotes exchange and discussion between the cities for the promotion of cultural heritage as well as projects for the promotion of art cities in European capitals, in particularly in Paris and Berlin. Coordinates with the GAI (Young Italian Artists), the European project “Gemini Muse” for the promotion of the young contemporary art, in 9 European countries. With the Architecture Faculty of the University of Venice he has coordinated the European project “The Squares: heritage of Europe”, with the involvement of the city of Paris, Barcelona, Rome, Florence, Turin, Verona, Krakow (Poland) and Thessaloniki (Greece). He has designed and managed the program in 2019 in collaboration with the Italian city candiate for European Capital of Culture 2019. He edited the reports on the Cities of Art Italian.
A General Secretary of the Foundation for the cultural heritage of the cities of Italy (in short CittàItalia Foundation) he organizes found-raising campaigns for the restoration and enhancement of the cultural heritage of the cities, promoting the restoration of more than 30 works at risk. He has created and promoted Save Art in Italy Foundation in New York City in order to collect donations in the United States for the restoration of cultural heritage of Italy.
He promoted the Association for Pompeii.
He was invited in numerous programmes by RAI Italian Television.
He edited the 2002 and 2003 editions of the Prize Verga Catania. He has served on several juries for the assignment of important literary prizes.
In 2006, for the Art section, was awarded with the Margutta Award.
In 2011 the magazine Monsieur awarded him the recognition “A life for others”
He is member of several ministerial committees.
He is member of the Association for Cultural Economics.
He is professor at numerous universities in the Masters and Postgraduate courses in marketing of goods and cultural activities.