He graduated in Art History with G.C. Argan in 1963. Volunteer assistant at the Faculty of Architecture in Rome from 1963, Lecturer in History of Architecture ( 1968), Professor of History of Architecture in Milan ( since 1969) , Florence from 1974 , (Director of the Department in 1987-89 ) and Sapienza University of Rome (from 2000) .
He founded and directed the architecture magazine ” PSICON ” (Florence, 1974-77 ) , a platform of debate and experimentation for the “psycho- iconology” method. Director of ” QUASAR . Papers of architectural history and restoration “(Florence 1989-93 ) . Since 1988 he has been member of the managing board of ” Palladio. Journal of architectural history and restoration”. He directed the editorial series “Heliopolis : ideas of cities ” ( Workshop ) , ” Rome : history, culture, image ” ( Gangemi ) , “Baroque in Sicily ” ( Ediprint ) , ” The historical image of the city” ( Electa Napoli ) .
He was Secretary – Treasurer of the CIHA Italy.
Since 1980 he has directed the International Courses of High Culture, Accademia dei Lincei . He founded and / or directs the “Centre of studies on the culture and image of Rome ” (1981 ), the “International Center for Studies on the Baroque in Sicily ” (1982) , the “Centre of Studies on Baroque, Province of Lecce ” (1989 ) . Vice president of ” Zorzi Institute for the Performing Arts ” (Florence, 1988) and the “Centre of Studies on the Neapolitan Baroque ” (1993) .
Adviser to the Ministry of Culture since 1980, later he held the office of Scientific Secretary of National Committees for Bernini and Raphael, Coordinator of the National Committee for Sixtus V and Chairman of the National Committees for Pirro Ligorio and ” Rome and the birth of Baroque “. Chairman of the National Committee for the study and conservation of historic gardens” .
Since 1980 he has coordinated the multi-annual national program “Art and Culture in Italy in the Seventeenth century ,” promoting exhibitions and conferences in various Italian regions and the establishment of Centres of Studies on Baroque. He coordinates the national program ” Centers and peripheries of the Baroque” , which interacts with the long-term international programs of UNESCO and the European Council. Director of the Atlas of the Baroque in Italy ( in 30 regional volumes and 10 thematic volumes ) . Secretary of the ” National Edition of the works of Pirro Ligorio ” ( in 40 volumes).
Among his books: La reggia di Caserta, Roma 1963; Bernini (with Maurizio Fagiolo), Roma 1966;
L’architettura moderna, Roma 1967; Il Revival (with other authors), Milano 1974; Le Corbusier, Perriand, Jeanneret (with other authors), Roma 1976;Chiese e cattedrali, Milano 1978; Roma dal neoclassicismo al romanticismo (con altri autori), Roma 1979; Gaudí (with other authors), Firenze 1979;Albini (with other authors), Milano 1978; Barocco latino-americano (with other authors), Roma 1980; La città effimera e l’universo artificiale del giardino, Roma 1980; Natura e artificio, Roma 1981; Palermo “teatro del sole” (with M.L.Madonna), Roma 1981; La Roma dei Longhi, Roma 1982; Lecce (with V.Cazzato), Bari 1984; Roma 1300-1875 / L’arte degli anni santi (with M.L.Madonna), Milano 1984-85; Roma Sancta (with M.L. Madonna), Roma 1985; Barocco romano e barocco italiano (with M.L.Madonna), Roma 1985; Roma dei grandi viaggiatori (with other authors), Roma 1987; Architettura e massoneria, Firenze 1988; Roma delle delizie. I teatri dell’acqua: grotte, ninfei, fontane, Milano 1990; Roma antica, Lecce l991; Teatri di verzura: la scena del giardino dal Barocco al Novecento (with other authors), Firenze 1993; La città e il sacro (with other authors), Milano 1994; Lo specchio del paradiso. I: L’immagine del giardino dall’Antico al Novecento (with M. A. Giusti), Milano 1996; Atlante del Barocco in Italia: Terra di Bari e Capitanata (with V. Cazzato and M. Pasculli Ferrara), Roma 1996; La festa a Roma dal Rinascimento al 1870, Torino 1997; Corpus delle feste a Roma: il Settecento e l’Ottocento, Roma 1997, Lo specchio del paradiso. II: La scena del giardino dall’Antico al Novecento (with V. Cazzato and M. A. Giusti), Milano 1997;Roman gardens, New York 1997; Lo specchio del paradiso. III: Il giardino e il sacro dall’antico all’Ottocento (with M.A. Giusti), Milano 1998; La storia dei giubilei (with M.L. Madonna), vol. II, Roma 1998; Bernini e la Roma di Alessandro VII, Roma 1999 (with A. Coliva); Atlante delle grotte e dei ninfei in Italia (with V. Cazzato and M. A. Giusti), Milano 2001-2002; Ville e giardini di Roma, Milano-Roma 2001; Roma: il verde e la città. Giardini e spazi verdi nella costruzione della forma urbana (with R. Cassetti), Roma 2002; Villa d’Este (with I. Barisi e M.L.Madonna), Roma 2003; Roma barocca: Bernini, Borromini, Pietro da Cortona (with P. Portoghesi), Milano 2006; Architettura e massoneria: l’esoterismo della costruzione, Roma 2006, Vignola: l’architettura dei principi, Roma 2007; Roma barocca: Bernini, Borromini, Pietro da Cortona (with P. Portoghesi), Milano 2007, Atlante del Barocco in Italia: le Capitali della Festa, 2 voll., Roma 2007; Studi sui Fontana (with G. Bonaccorso), Roma 2009; Giuseppe Piermarini tra barocco e neoclassico (with M. Tabarrini), Perugia 2010, La Fontana dell’Acqua Acetosa a Roma (with L. Cardilli), Roma 2010, Piante di Roma dal Rinascimento ai Catasti (with M. Bevilacqua), Roma 2012; Roma barocca: i protagonisti, gli spazi urbani, i grandi temi, Roma 2013; Lecce – Architettura e storia urbana (with V. Cazzato), Galatina 2013.
For the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia he oversaw : Immagini del Barocco (1982), Gianlorenzo Bernini architetto (1983-84), Roma e l’antico nell’arte e nella cultura del ’500 (1985), Bernini scultore e l’unità delle arti visive (1986), Baldassarre Peruzzi. Pittura, scena e architettura nel ’500 (1987).
For the National Poligraph Office took care of : Raffaello e l’Europa (1991), Centri e periferie del barocco (1992), Sisto V (1992).