Degree in Renaissance history at The University of Warwick – Coventry.
Post-graduate training course in: City and Guilds – Building Crafts College – London.
Apprenticeship at Canterbury Cathedral as mason/setter out and draftsman responsible of the western façade and north-western tower of the Cathedral – Canterbury.
Specialist course at the European Centre for the Training of Craftsmen in the Conservation of the Architectural Heritage held by UNESCO – San Servolo – Venice.
Participated in the specialization course “Preservation and Treatment of Stone – Venice, held by
After earning a degree from the University of Warwick in Renaissance History, on the advice of Sir Bernard Fielden , at the time Director of ICCROM , Simon Warrack has participated in the training course at the Building Crafts College in London before being hired as apprentice at Canterbury Cathedral as a stonemason and draftsman , responsible for the design of the rose window on the western façade and of the north – western tower. After four years in Canterbury he earned a scholarship for a Special Education Course to the European Center of San Servolo and later took part as an observer in the Course in Preservation and Treatment of Stone held by ICCROM and UNESCO in Venice. Here he was hired by the company Lithos snc as a restorer at the Palazzo Ducale , San Zaccaria , and San Salvador. At the same time he has participated in study and restoration campaigns in France, particularly at the Church of Notre Dame du Fort in Etampes , Bourges Cathedral and Collegiate Church of Saint Mexme in Chinon .
He moved to Rome in 1990, where he worked with various conservation companies on sites such as the Trevi Fountain, Trajans Forum, the Church of SS. Vincenzo and Anastasio and other Roman monuments.
In 1994 he started to work actively in South- East Asia , particularly in Cambodia and the Temples of Angkor. That was a fervent period in which he offered training and in particular organization of specialized courses for restorers living in South – East Asia. In the same years he worked with ICCROM on the preparation of the Technical Feasability Study regarding the return of the obelisk of Axum (stolen from Ethiopia by Mussolini in 1935).
In 1997 he taught on the Training Course in Persepolis in Iran with RCCCR and ICCROM .
At the end of the 90s he took part in the restoration campaign in Kosovo on Mosques Peje and Gjakova and the Cathedral of Decani . Recently he has partnered with the Getty Conservation Institute in Lao PDR and he is currently preparing training courses for officials of the Kingdom of Cambodia for the management of the World Heritage Site of Preah Vihear .
He has also worked in the Republic of Georgia on the Church of the Holy Cross in Jvari and is now engaged in the preparation of an intervention to Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta .
He was the coordinator of the International Course for Restoration of Stone held by ICCROM in 2011 and 2013.