Unfinished restoration from north to south Italy

By Veronica Rodenigo – from “Il Canale del Territorio”, June 27, 2014
Inside the indicative percentage of 10%, which emerged from the skimming of the national report Simoi 2013 (read the introductory article and the in-depth analysis ), are to be placed various types of restorations among them stand out recovery and conservative interventions, functional adaptation of monumental buildings: palaces, mansions, churches, convents, theaters, portions of walls and historic centers located mainly in small and medium reality. Goods mostly subjected to bond, characterized by historic-artistic or architectural connotations, and for the future also characterized by cultural destinations of use…
read the article…http://www.edilone.it/i-restauri-incompiuti-da-nord-a-sud-dell-italia_news_x_23789.html