FAI, 31thousands of monuments to be restored
The President of the fund tip of the finger on the absence of the landscape plans, the introduction of which is said to favor the minister Franceschini The seventh edition of the census “Places of the Heart” hold by the Fai (Fondo ambiente italiano) will end on the 30th November. Which called together all the Italians monuments which […]
RSF is pleased to announce the opening of the Cultural Heritage professionals map. Anyone who wants to publish its own professional profile, may do so asking to sign up as a Membership of the Association, or by registering for free as a sympathizer We remind you that Restorers Without Borders was founded only a year ago, with […]
Cucciolla: “Mess in the Old Bari, the Soprintendence hasn’t supervised”
From “La Repubblica” – 29th August, 2014 By Francesca Russi The architect and university professor: “We have arrived to a number of 30 associations and committees that have joined the battle. To enhance the area we need to relieve traffic” THERE ARE the professor and the worker, the employee and the student, the banker and […]
The restoration of the Carracci Gallery – the protagonists illustrate the progress of the works
VIDEO From th 15th of March 2014, the Carracci gallery is closed for restoration. On this video you can find out the actors of the project and discover the importance of the work. Among the protagonists is Paulo Pastorello President of RSF Italy, which plays the role of restorer and project manager of the Consortium […]
Settis: also musuems can die
by Salvatore Settis, from Il Giornale dell’Arte number 344, July 2014 THE USE WE DO NOWDAYS DISTORTS THEIR RAISON FOR BEING It seems impossible, but it can happen. Born in the early eighteenth century, like all cultural creations they are not immortal. The preservation is growing in the emerging countries in which the cultural heritage has an […]
A race against time for the Great Pompeii Project
Signed the pact of action to accelerate the work on the site. The mandatory deadline is December 31st, 2015, but three-quarters of the sites are still to be procured From Il Giornale dell’Arte July 18th, 2014 Pompeii (Naples). The 105 million European funding for the Great Pompeii Project (GPP) has a limit: December 31st, 2015. Exemptions will not […]
Puglia: at Mesagne the abandonment of archaeological heritage is a brand
from Il Fatto Quotidiano by Manlio Lilli | July 14th, 2014 “Archaeological and cultural heritage is protagonist of a meticulous policy of desertification and abandonment.” With this motivation only a few weeks ago the City of Mesagne, in Brindisi, received the virtual award “Attila” on the part of the “Mesagne Common Good.” An award more than earned, as they say in […]
Entering the section JOIN US on this site, you can proceed with your application and fill in your information in the first three sections of the format. After the approval of the RSF Executive Committee, you will receive an e-mail with the confirmation of your subscription. Then you can proceed with the payment of the annual fee (50 […]
Unfinished restoration from north to south Italy
By Veronica Rodenigo – from “Il Canale del Territorio”, June 27, 2014 Inside the indicative percentage of 10%, which emerged from the skimming of the national report Simoi 2013 (read the introductory article and the in-depth analysis ), are to be placed various types of restorations among them stand out recovery and conservative interventions, functional adaptation of monumental buildings: […]
RSF si esprime sulla Fontana di RHO e il progetto per i detenuti Ecco l’articolo del Presidente Paolo Pastorello
Lo strano caso del dottor Jekyll e del signor Hyde 23 giugno 2014 – di Paolo Pastorello Carissimi colleghi, e per colleghi intendo tutti coloro che, come noi di RSF, hanno a cuore il patrimonio culturale e la tutela dei beni storici e artistici, la cui cura è stata loro affidata dai nostri padri, […]