Scientific Committee

Expert in policies for heritage and cultural activities

Marisa Laurenzi Tabasso illustra le Caratteristiche e le funzioni del Comitato Scientifico di RSF

I fondatori di RSF hanno sentito l’esigenza di dotare l’Associazione del patrocinio culturale di alcune personalità di grande esperienza ed elevato profilo morale, intellettuale e professionale...


Scientific Committee President of RSF, Chemist - Specialist in Conservation Stone Materials

She graduated in Chemistry at the University "La Sapienza" in Rome. From 1964 to 1991 she worked at the Central Institute for Restoration in Rome, where, since 1975, she has directed the Laboratory Tests on materials .....

Sabina Addamiano

Adviser for Communication and Marketing

Communication and marketing advisor, expert in content design, she collaborates with public institutions, businesses, non-profit organizations. She has been teacher of economics, business, communication and cultural management topics for almost twenty years…

Massimo Benatti

Archaeologist - Entrepreneu ARAN Progetti


Stefano Bonaccini

Entrepreneu - Researcher and producer of conservation materials

Businessman - researcher and producer of materials for restoration P.I. Electronic Diploma and Law degree at the University of Pisa. He started his career working as employee at the Acciaierie di Piombino ...

Giorgio Bonsanti

Art Historian - Former Director OPD Florence University

He graduated in History of Art at the University of Florence in 1970. In 1967/8 he has been awarded a scholarship from the Austrian Government at the Institute of Art History , University of Vienna ...

Alberta Campitelli

Chemist - Professor of chemistry of paper supports University Ca 'Foscari CEI

Art historian , author of several books and studies on the Villas of Rome and Lazio , she organizes and looks after historical and artistic exhibitions, as well as conferences on the subject, she also takes part in international conferences ...

Alberta Campitelli

Art Historian - Soprintendenza di Roma Capitale

Art historian , author of several books and studies on the Villas of Rome and Lazio , she organizes and looks after historical and artistic exhibitions, as well as conferences on the subject, she also takes part in international conferences ...

Dario Camuffo

Physicist - former CNR Padova

Physicist, specialized in Atmospheric Physics , Physics for Cultural Heritage , weather change and conservative risks. Head Research at the National Research Council , Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate ...

Giulia Caneva

Biologist - Professor University of Rome Tre

GIULIA CANEVA E’ Professore ordinario di Botanica ed Ecologia vegetale presso il Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale dell’Università degli studi di Roma Tre. E’ Direttore del Centro di Ateneo di studi su Roma (CROMA) e coordinatore del gruppo di lavoro delle Botaniche applicate della SBI. E’ autrice di oltre 220 pubblicazioni in ambito nazionale ed internazionale, e di 20 monografie su temi di ricerca che riguardano la vegetazione termofila mediterranea e la biologia vegetale applicata alla conservazione delle opere d’arte, con particolare riguardo al degrado biologico dei materiali lapidei e alla gestione botanica delle aree archeologiche.

Renzo Carlucci

Engineer - Director of the Magazine “ARCHEOMATICA”

Editorial Director of Archeomatica . Civil engineer, engaged in the academic community and in the field of technology for Survey, Conservation and Restoration ...

PAOLA CONTI - socio fondatore

Restorer of Cultural Heritage - TECNICON S.R.L.

After classical studies , in 1982 she graduated in Restorer of Cultural Heritage at the Central Institute for Restoration in Rome in the field of Paintings...

PIETRO CORONAS - socio fondatore

Restorer of Cultural Heritage - KERMES snc

Founding member of the company "Kermes s.n.c. Conservation of Artistic Heritage" established in Rome in 1988. He works in national and international territory. He constantly explores the themes of conservation and restoration ...

Stefano De Caro

Archaeologist - General Director of ICCROM

He was elected the Director-General of ICCROM during the 27th General Assembly in November 2011. His appointment follows a long career as an archaeologist, public official...

Barbara Davidde

Archaeologist - Unit Interventions Director of Underwater Archaeology ISCR

Since 2011 she has been Director of the Intervention Unit for Underwater Archaeology, Institute for Conservation and Restoration . Since 2010 she has been professor of Underwater Archeology at the University of "Roma Tre" ....

ARALDO DE LUCA - socio fondatore

Art Photographer – President ImagoArte srl

Andrea De Polo

Alinari Archives

Head of the digital department of Fratelli Alinari IDEA SpA since 1994 . He graduated in Photography with a Bachelor in Fine Arts at the Rochester Institute of Technology in 1994 ...

Claudio Di Benedetto

Art Historian - Director of the Library of the Uffizi Gallery

Laureato all’Università di Firenze, ha frequentato la Scuola Superiore di pubblica Amministrazione presso la Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. Dirige la Biblioteca degli Uffizi di Firenze e ha insegnato dal 1998-1999 al 2003-2004 Bibliografia e biblioteconomia...

Maurizio Di Puolo

Architect - Specialized in museum design and exhibit design

He graduated in Architecture and founded the Studio Metaimago in Rome in 1965. Maurizio Di Puolo is a Professor of the Faculty of Architecture and Industrial Design at the University of Rome (Sapienza) ...

Daniela Esposito

Architect - Director of the School of Specialization in Architectural Heritage and Landscape

Architect, specialist in conservation of monuments and PhD in Conservation of Architectural Heritage, since 2011 she is professor in the scientific sector ICAR/19 (Restoration)...

Marcello Fagiolo dell'Arco

Art Historian - Professor, University "La Sapienza"

He graduated in Art History with G.C. Argan in 1963. Volunteer assistant at the Faculty of Architecture in Rome from 1963, Lecturer in History of Architecture , Professor of History of Architecture in Milan and later in Florence ...

Riccardo Ginanni Corradini

Geologist -Technological District of Culture, LAZIO INNOVA SpA (Lazio)

Since December 2012 he has served as Editor in Chief of the portal Futouroing. Culture technological district of Lazio. From 1990 to 2012 he was director of the laboratory of Il Cenacolo s.r.l ...

Barbara Jatta

Head of the prints and drawings Cabinet from the Vatican Apostolic Library and scholar of ancient texts

Laureata in Lettere con una tesi in Storia del disegno, dell’incisione e della grafica nel 1986 presso l’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma, nello stesso ateneo si è specializzata in Storia dell’Arte nel 1991. Ha intrapreso diversi tirocini di specializzazione all’estero, in Inghilterra, in Portogallo e negli Stati Uniti. Dal 1981 al 1996 ha collaborato presso l’Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica lavorando prima in qualità di restauratrice di materiale grafico e poi alla catalogazione dei fondi di disegni, incisioni, xilografie e litografie dell’Istituto. Dagli anni Novanta ha svolto attività di docenza presso diverse istituzioni e corsi di specializzazione e dal 1994 è titolare del corso di Storia delle tecniche e delle arti grafiche presso la facoltà di Lettere dell’Università Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli. Dal 1996 è Responsabile del Gabinetto delle Stampe della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana presso la quale è anche Membro della Commissione Mostre, della Commissione Accessioni, della Commissione Acquisti e della Commissione delle Catalogazioni.

Jukka Jokilehto

Architect Urbanist of the World Heritage Centre

He graduated in Architecture and town planning from the Polytechnic of Helsinki (1966). He attended the ICCROM International Course in the Restoration of Monuments and Sites (1971)…

Gabriela Krist

Art Historian - University of Applied Arts Vienna - Institute for Conservation-Restoration

Art Historian - University of Applied Arts Vienna - Institute for Conservation-Restoration

Giancarlo Lanterna

Chemistry - Director of the Chemistry Laboratory at OPD

Graduated in Chemistry at the University of Florence, from 1983 he works at the Scientific Laboratory of Opificio delle Pietre Dure (OPD) in Florence where he is Chemistry Director and Coordinator ...

Lorenzo Lazzarini

Geologist - Full Professor of Applied Petrography Mineral and Earth Resources at the University IUAV of Venice

Degree in Geological Sciences at the University of Padua with a thesis in Mineralogy . Postgraduate degree of the Course in Restoration and Conservation of Artistic Heritage held by the University of Padua ...

MARINA MAUGERI - socio fondatore

Restorer of Cultural Heritage

Cultural Heritage Restorer since 1987 with expertise in the field of conservation of paintings on wall supports, on canvas and on board, and since 1988 in the sector of frescoes conservation...

ALESSANDRA MORELLI - socio fondatore

Restorer of Cultural Heritage – Administrator of ImagoArte srl

Nel 1984 consegue il diploma di laurea come Restauratore di Beni Culturali presso la scuola di alta formazione ISCR Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro di Roma nel settore dei Materiali Archeologici e Suppellettili Antiche, maturando competenze sul restauro di metalli, ceramiche, intonaci, stucchi, vetri, oreficierie e materiali organici. Nel 1985 frequento il 4° anno di specializzazione sul restauro dei materiali lapidei.
Nel 1982 insieme ad altri sei colleghi usciti dalla scuola di Roma costituisce...

Giuseppe Morganti

Architect - Director of the Technical Office of the Palatino - Foro Romano

Director of the Technical Office of the Palatine Hill - Roman Forum from June 2009. After graduating in Architecture in 1979 he took service as an architect at the Superintendence of Monuments of Siena ...

Edek Osser

Journalist of "Il Giornale dell'Arte"

Journalist, graduated in Political Science . He worked for Rai Press Office in 1966 , later for the technical office of the Rai MD Gianni Granzotto until 1969 when he became senior editor for special news reports ...

PAOLO PASTORELLO - socio fondatore

Restorer of Cultural Heritage - STUDIO CRC

Graduated in Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University La Sapienza in Rome, he earned the title of Restorer of Cultural Heritage at the High School of the Central Institute for Restoration in Rome...

Roberto Petriaggi

Archaeologist - former Director of the Unit Interventions Underwater Archaeology ISCR

Roberto Petriaggi is an Italian archaeologist and scuba diver. From 1978 to 2010 he worked at the Ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities. He has served at various Italian archaeological Superintendencies...

Ledo Prato

Expert in policies for heritage and cultural activities

Laureato in Giurisprudenza e in Scienze e Tecniche dell'Opinione Pubblica, è esperto nelle politiche per i beni e le attività culturali. In qualità di Segretario Generale dell’Associazione Mecenate 90 ha svolto e svolge attività di consulenza in ambito giuridico-amministrativo per alcune delle più importanti città italiane.

Stefano Ridolfi

Physicist - Specialized in non-destructive analysis

Stefano Ridolfi è laureato in fisica. E’ Responsabile Tecnico di Ars Mensurae, la prima compagnia spin off Italiana, dedicata specificamente allo sviluppo e all’uso di sistemi portatili per analisi non invasive, nel settore dei Beni Culturali. Insegna all’Università ”Sapienza” di Roma. E’ autore di numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche e capitoli di libri che riguardano l’ottimizzazione e l’uso di sistemi portatili ED-XRF applicati agli studi di beni culturali.

Ornella Salvadori

Biologo - DirettorBiologist - Restoration Section Director of the Scientific Laboratory of Museums of Venice and of Gronda Lagunare municipalitiese Sezione Restauro Laboratorio scientifico Polo Museale della Ciattà di Venezia e dei comuni della Gronda Lagunare

Biologist, Director of Scientific and Restoration Laboratories of the Special Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage and the Museum Centre of the City of Venice ...

Egidio Sangue

Vice President of FondItalia

He currently holds the position of Vice President of Fonditalia – National Interprofessional Joint Fund for continuous education in manufacturing and small and medium companies ...

SUSANNA SARMATI - socio fondatore

Restorer of Cultural Heritage

Conservator graduated from the Central Institute for Restoration in Rome, in 1986 she start to work as a freelancer in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage...

Andreas Steiner

Journalist - Director of the magazine ARCHEO

Andreas Maximilian Steiner has lived and studied in Frankfurt am Main. In 1975 he moved to Rome . In 1985 planned, together with the scientific director Sabatino Moscati , the magazine " ARCHEO - News of The Past" ...

Claudio Strinati

Historian and art critic, former Director General Ministry of Culture

Graduated in 1970 in Modern Literature (specialization in Art History) with prof. Cesare Brandi , he then improved himself in the topic . He was professor of the Art History in public high schools for two years...

Francesco Tiradritti

Archaeologist - Director of the Italian Archaeological Mission to Luxor

Professor of Egyptology at the University " Kore " of Enna and Director of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Luxor in the funerary complex of Harwa ( TT 37) and Akhimenru ( TT 404) ...

CARLA TOMASI - socio fondatore

Restorer of Cultural Heritage - President ARI - President FINCO

CARLA TOMASI, nata a Roma il 08/01/1958, e' Responsabile della condotta dei lavori dell’Impresa di restauro "CARLA TOMASI S.r.l." specializzata nel restauro di materiali lapidei, superfici decorate dell’architettura, affreschi, tempere su muro, olio su muro, stucchi e superfici dorate, mosaici, manufatti lignei dipinti, dipinti su tela e su tavola, manufatti lignei, siti archeologici.
Diplomata all’ I.C.R. (Istituto Centrale per il Restauro) di Roma con Specializzazione in Conservazione dei materiali lapidei, è stata Presidente dell' Associazione Restauratori d'Italia (A.R.I.) fino al 2013 ed attualmente è Presidente di F.I.N.C.O. Federazione Industrie Prodotti Impianti Servizi ed Opere Specialistiche per le Costruzioni.
Ha partecipato a corsi di aggiornamento, conferenze e simposi svolgendo attività didattica e di consulenza.
E' autrice di numerosi articoli, libri, atti di convegni nazionali e internazionali, documentari, presentazioni nell’ambito delle tematiche del restauro e della figura professionale del restauratore.

Rosalia Varoli Piazza

Art Historian - former ISCR Functionary

She graduated in Rome with Giulio Carlo Argan and got the Master of Fine Arts degree from the State University of New York at Binghamton . In 1974 she won a public competition at the Ministry of Culture Heritage ...

Simon Warrack

Restorer of Cultural Heritage

Degree in Renaissance history at The University of Warwick - Coventry. Government training course post-graduate in: City and Guilds – Building Crafts College - London...
